Reverse Engineering Stack
- You push things on
- Registers
- Immediates
- References
- You pop things off
- Registers
- Memory addresses
- Always grows towards lower memory addresses
- EBP = 0x00000124
- sub esp, 0x24
- ESP = 0x00000100
- EBP = 0x00000124
- Access memory on the stack
- ESP+
- EBP-
- ESP+
So, Let’s say prologue
- Stack grows up or grows down
- Always depend what your memory layout is
- If larger memory is up -> grows down
- If larger memory is down -> grows up
- But doesn’t change functionality
- Avoid this at all costs
- Stack Frames
- Return addresses
- Arguments to functions
- Local variables
- Save register states
Real C Program into stack
- If you call the function with arguments(Stack frame)
- Must pass arguments to function
- Must preserve order
- Must preserve calling function state
- Must return from function call
- Calling Conventions
- Who
- Pushes onto the stack
- Pops off the stack
- What
- Registers are ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’
- Where
- Who
X86 and X64 Differences
- X86 calling convention variations
- Registers preserved
- Volatile registers
- Callee vs caller stack cleanup
- Gets confusing and frustrating
- Red zone
- Shadow space
- To execute, ghidraRun
- Make project (.grp)
Making binary
- Received a compile error bits\libc-header-start.h no such file or directory Sudo apt install gcc-multilib
- Gcc -m32 -fno-stack-protector -no-pie -z execstack -mno-red-zone -fno-pic